SCM Solidarity Song
今日會後與其宏、映君交談時,提及在基督徒學生運動(SCM)中常被傳唱的SCM Solidarity Song,這首歌是Burma(緬甸)的SCM在1980年代所創作,今成為SCMs共享的精神。緬甸這段時間所發生的事情,又在香港SCM的blog刊頭看到歌詞,挺有感觸。世界基督徒學生聯盟-亞太區(WSCF-AP)關於緬甸的聲援/聲明,請參考澳洲SCM。香港SCM在聲援緬甸的晚會上,也唱了這首歌。(約從1:38開始)
SCM Solidarity Song
The Song we sing not for ourselves
For those who are oppressed and chained,
Build up a new society;
Lets share and feel with them.
The way we work not for ourselves
For those who are oppressed and poor,
Suffer with them and let us know;
That our struggle will win.
Come SCMs unite be one,
Pull out injustice from this world
Live with people, build together,
One day we’ll reach a new just world.
The life we owe not for ourselves,
Women and Men work hand in hand
The unity will triumph
We share the vision and hope.